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No 261º episódio do Podcast mais Rock’n Roll da internets Rômulo Metal, Daniel Iserhard e Marcel Pfütz batem um papo sobre um dos maiores clássicos da música.

Duração: 83 minutos.

Arte da Vitrine: Talles Garcia.

Comentado durante o podcast:

*Colabore com o PADRIM do Crazy Metal Mind

*Grupo do CMM no Facebook

Trilha sonora do podcast (na ordem):

*The Beatles – Come Together
*The Beatles – Oh! Darling
*The Beatles – You Never Give Me Your Money
*The Beatles – She Came In Through The Bathroom Window
*The Beatles – Golden Slumbers
*The Beatles – Come Together
*The Beatles – Something
*The Beatles – Maxwell's Silver Hammer
*The Beatles – Oh! Darling
*The Beatles – Octopus's Garden
*The Beatles – I Want You (She's So Heavy)
*The Beatles – Here Comes The Sun
*The Beatles – Because
*The Beatles – You Never Give Me Your Money
*The Beatles – Sun King
*The Beatles – Mean Mr. Mustard
*The Beatles – Polythene Pam
*The Beatles – She Came In Through The Bathroom Window
*The Beatles – Golden Slumbers
*The Beatles – Carry That Weight
*The Beatles – The End
*The Beatles – Her Majesty

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